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NABTEB 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NABTEB Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)






Community service refers to voluntary work done by individuals or groups within a community to benefit others or the community as a whole. It involves contributing time, effort, and skills for the betterment of society without expecting financial compensation.


(i)Community Gardens: These spaces not only cultivate fruits and vegetables but also foster a sense of community. They provide an opportunity for residents to learn about gardening, nutrition, and sustainability. People work together, sharing knowledge and resources while enjoying the fruits of their labor, which can also address food insecurity in some areas.

(ii)Educational Workshops: These workshops cater to the diverse needs of the community. Financial literacy sessions empower individuals to manage their finances effectively, computer skills workshops bridge the digital divide, and career development workshops offer guidance and opportunities for personal growth and employment.

(iii)Neighborhood Cleanup Campaigns: Regular cleanup events not only beautify the community but also instill a sense of pride and ownership among residents. They promote environmental consciousness, reduce pollution, and create safer and more enjoyable public spaces for everyone

(iv)Support for Elderly or Vulnerable Populations: Programs focused on aiding vulnerable groups offer companionship and practical assistance, enhancing their quality of life. Volunteers might offer company, help with household tasks, or organize social activities, combating loneliness and isolation among these populations.

(v)Health and Wellness Programs: By providing access to health clinics, fitness classes, or mental health seminars, communities promote healthier lifestyles and raise awareness about crucial health issues. These initiatives empower individuals to take charge of their well-being.

(vi)Youth Development Initiatives: These programs invest in the future by supporting young people. Mentorship programs offer guidance and role models, after-school activities keep them engaged positively, and scholarships provide opportunities for higher education, enabling them to reach their full potential.



(i)Education: An effective educational system emphasizing moral and ethical values plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviour. Incorporating values education into curricula helps instill virtues like honesty, respect, and responsibility from an early age.

(ii)Role Models and Leadership: Ethical and principled leaders and role models within communities set examples for others to follow. Their actions, integrity, and commitment to values influence society positively, inspiring others to emulate similar behaviours.

(iii)Community Engagement: Active participation in community activities and initiatives fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility. Collaborative efforts in addressing social issues and promoting common values strengthen the fabric of society.

(iv)Cultural and Religious Practices: Cultural traditions and religious teachings often promote values that guide behaviour and interactions within a society. Respecting and preserving these traditions can reinforce a collective value system. It contribute to the development and sustenance of a robust value system that guides individuals towards ability and responsibilities

(v)Media and Communication: Responsible and ethical media practices can shape societal values by promoting positive narratives, ethical reporting, and messages that emphasize virtues and moral conduct. when integrated and supported within a community, contribute to the development and sustenance of a robust value system that guides individuals towards responsible and ethical conduct.

(vi)Government Policies and Institutions: Policies that prioritize ethics, fairness, and justice contribute significantly to a society's value system. Strong institutions that uphold the rule of law, protect human rights, and ensure accountability cultivate trust and respect for societal values.


leadership is defined as the ability to guide, inspire, and influence individuals or groups within a community or society towards a common goal or vision. It involves possessing qualities such as vision, integrity, empathy, effective communication, and the capacity to make sound decisions that benefit the greater good.


(i)Vision: A good leader has a clear vision of where they want to take their community or organization. This vision serves as a guiding force, inspiring others to work towards common goals and objectives.Effective leaders communicate this vision consistently, motivating and aligning people towards common objectives.

(ii)Integrity: Strong ethical principles and honesty are fundamental. Leaders who demonstrate integrity build trust and credibility within their community. They adhere to moral values and set an example for others to follow.Leaders with integrity gain respect and inspire confidence among their followers. They hold themselves accountable and uphold ethical standards, setting a moral example for others.

(iii)Communication Skills: Effective leaders are proficient communicators. They can articulate their vision, listen actively, and convey messages clearly. Communication skills help them inspire and motivate others while ensuring everyone understands the shared objectives.Effective communication skills also include the ability to motivate, inspire, and provide constructive feedback.

(iv)Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and relating to the feelings and perspectives of others are crucial traits. Empathetic leaders create inclusive environments, build strong relationships, and make decisions considering the well-being of the community.Emotional intelligence allows leaders to manage their own emotions and navigate interpersonal relationships effectively.

(v)Decision-Making Skills: Strong leaders possess the ability to make informed decisions in various situations. They gather relevant information, analyze data, consider diverse viewpoints, and weigh potential outcomes before making well-thought-out choices. Decisiveness coupled with a willingness to adjust strategies based on feedback is crucial.

(vi)Adaptability and Resilience: Leaders encounter challenges and unexpected situations. Being adaptable to change and resilient in the face of challenges is vital for leaders. They navigate uncertainties and setbacks while maintaining focus on their objectives, adjusting strategies as needed without losing sight of the overarching vision.



(i)Supreme Court
(ii)Court of Appeal
(iii)Federal High Court
(iv)State High Court


(i)Independence: The judiciary operates independently of the legislative and executive branches. This autonomy ensures impartiality and allows judges to make decisions based on the law and constitution without external influence.

(ii)Impartiality and Fairness: Judges are expected to be impartial and neutral in their decisions. They must apply the law fairly and without bias, ensuring equal treatment for all individuals regardless of status, wealth, or background.

(iii)Adjudication: The judiciary's primary function is to adjudicate disputes. It resolves legal conflicts by interpreting laws, assessing evidence, and delivering judgements or rulings based on the law and established precedents.

(iv)Interpretation and Application of Law: Courts interpret laws and the constitution to ensure their proper application. They clarify legal ambiguities and provide guidance on how laws should be understood and implemented in specific cases.

(v)Due Process and Rule of Law: Upholding due process rights and the rule of law is fundamental. The judiciary ensures that legal procedures are followed, safeguards individual rights, and prevents arbitrary actions by the government or individuals.

(vi)Judicial Review: The judiciary has the power of judicial review, enabling it to review the constitutionality of laws and government actions. This authority allows courts to strike down laws or actions that violate the constitution.


(i)Exploitation and Control: Human trafficking involves the exploitation and control of individuals for various purposes, such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or organ harvesting. Victims are often coerced, deceived, or forced into these situations and are deprived of their freedom and autonomy, much like slaves were in historical contexts.

(ii)Lack of Freedom: Trafficking victims experience severe restrictions on their freedom of movement and choice. They are often held against their will, subjected to physical or psychological coercion, and live under conditions of bondage, unable to leave or make independent decisions about their lives.

(iii)Economic Exploitation: Similar to historical slavery, human trafficking frequently involves economic exploitation. Victims are often forced to work without pay or underpaid, creating a situation of economic bondage where they are unable to escape due to financial dependency or debt bondage imposed by traffickers.

(iv)Abuse and Control: Trafficking victims endure physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of traffickers. They are subject to violence, threats, manipulation, and other forms of coercion, which are tactics historically associated with slavery to maintain control over individuals.

(v)Dehumanization and Vulnerability: Victims of human trafficking are dehumanized, treated as commodities, and stripped of their basic human rights. They are often marginalized and vulnerable, lacking legal protection and support systems, much like slaves who were denied their humanity and treated as property rather than people.


democracy is a system of government where power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives. It allows citizens to participate in decision-making processes, typically through free and fair elections, the protection of individual rights and freedoms, the rule of law, and mechanisms for accountability of government officials.


(i)Legislature: The legislative branch is responsible for making laws. It consists of elected representatives who draft, debate, and pass laws that reflect the will of the people. This branch provides a forum for discussing and enacting legislation that governs society.

(ii)Executive: The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. It includes the government officials, such as the President or Prime Minister, who execute policies, administer government programs, and ensure that laws are carried out.

(iii)Judiciary: The judiciary interprets the laws and ensures their constitutionality. It includes courts and judges who resolve disputes, uphold the rule of law, protect individual rights, and provide checks and balances on the other branches of government by reviewing the constitutionality of laws and government actions.


(i)Historical Documents
(ii)Constitutional Conferences
(iii)Judicial Precedents
(iv)Customary Law and Traditional Practices
(v)Constitutional Conventions and Agreements
(vi) Legislature
(vii) charter


Drugs are substances that alter the normal functioning of the body when introduced into it. They can be natural or synthetic and have various effects on the body and mind. Drugs can be used for medicinal purposes to treat illnesses, manage symptoms, or maintain health


(i)Health Impacts: Drug abuse leads to various health problems, including addiction, physical and mental health disorders, increased risk of infectious diseases (such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis), overdose, and even death. These health issues strain healthcare systems and affect the overall well-being of individuals and families.

(ii)Crime and Legal Issues: Drug abuse often leads to criminal behaviour such as drug trafficking, theft, violence, and other illegal activities to support addiction or obtain drugs. This contributes to increased crime rates, burdens the criminal justice system, and poses risks to public safety.

(iii)Economic Costs: Drug abuse imposes significant economic burdens on society. This includes costs related to healthcare, law enforcement, criminal justice proceedings, loss of productivity due to addiction or illness, and the expenses associated with rehabilitation and treatment programs.

(iv)Social Disruption: Drug abuse can fracture families, strain relationships, and disrupt communities. It leads to social instability, breakdown of family structures, and alienation from society, as individuals struggling with addiction may isolate themselves or engage in harmful behaviour that affect their social interactions

(v)Stigmatization and Discrimination: Individuals dealing with drug addiction often face stigma and discrimination, which can prevent them from seeking help or support. This societal attitude hampers efforts to address addiction as a health issue and perpetuates social barriers to recovery and reintegration.


(i)Implementing educational initiatives in schools, communities, and the media to inform people, especially young individuals, about the risks and consequences of drug abuse.

(ii)Ensuring availability and accessibility of treatment and rehabilitation programs for individuals struggling with drug addiction.

(iii)Creating supportive community environments that discourage drug abuse and promote healthy behaviours

(iv)Implementing and enforcing regulations and policies that control the availability and use of substances.

(v)Enforce strict laws and policies targeting drug trafficking and distribution.



(i)Plebiscite: plebiscite is a direct vote by the people of a country or a specific group on an important public question, often concerning a proposed change in law or constitutional matter. It's a method for citizens to express their views and make decisions on specific issues directly, bypassing the usual legislative process. They allow governments to gauge public opinion on significant matters before making decisions or enacting policies.

(ii)Flexible Constitution: flexible constitution refers to a legal framework that can be amended or changed relatively easily through established procedures. In a flexible or 'unentrenched' constitution, the process for making amendments is less rigid, allowing for modifications to be made without stringent requirements or significant hurdles. Flexible constitutions often involve procedures where amendments can be passed through the ordinary legislative process.

(iii)Coup d'état : coup d'état is a sudden, illegal, and often violent seizure of governmental power by a small group, usually military or political leaders, aiming to depose the existing government and take control.Coup d'états can happen for various reasons, such as dissatisfaction with the current leadership, political instability, or to change government policies. They are typically conducted without following constitutional norms or legal procedures and are considered unconstitutional and undemocratic.

(iv)Decree: decree is an official order or decision issued by a person or authority with the power to do so. It holds the force of law and is often used by governments or leaders to enact specific regulations, laws, or actions without going through the usual legislative process.Decrees can be issued by heads of state, government officials, or administrative bodies and are employed to address urgent matters, emergencies, or situations where immediate action is deemed necessary.

(vi) Edict: Edict is a formal proclamation or decree issued by a person in authority, such as a government, ruler, or leader. It's a public announcement that carries the force of law and is used to declare specific policies, laws, or decisions. Edicts were commonly used by monarchs or emperors to announce important decrees or orders, often pertaining to matters of governance, taxation, religious policy, or other significant administrative matters.

(vii) Rigid constitution: Rigid constitution refers to a legal framework that's more difficult to amend or change compared to a flexible constitution. In a rigid or 'entrenched' constitution, the process for making amendments is typically more elaborate, requiring special procedures or conditions that are more stringent than the regular legislative process. Rigid constitutions often include specific amendment procedures that might involve requirements like a special majority vote, a referendum, or multi-step approval processes

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