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WAEC 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 WAEC Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)

NECO 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NECO Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)

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(Answer FOUR questions in all; At least ONE from each section)

(Answer at least ONE question from this section)

After God created Adam from the dust of the earth and placed him in the Garden of Eden, He declared, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." This proclamation reflects the divine recognition of the relational need within humanity – the need for companionship, support, and partnership. All creatures had partners except man. God promised that this partner will be a helper fit for him because man dominated all other creatures.
God caused a deep sleep to befall man and while he slept, God took a rib from him. God used this rib to make a woman as a life partner for man.
When Adam woke up and saw the woman, he exclaimed, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." The man and the woman were both naked in the garden but they were not ashamed.
God's act of creating a helper for Adam emphasizes the importance of companionship and partnership in human relationships. It reflects the deep need for mutual support, understanding, and connection. This event forms the foundation for the institution of marriage, illustrating the profound bond between a man and a woman.

(i) The union of Adam and Eve lacked the external influences and societal norms that often shape present-day marriages. There were no families, cultures, or traditions to consider. Their union was a direct creation of God, untainted by human customs.
(ii) Unlike present-day marriages, Adam and Eve's union did not involve a formal wedding ceremony, vows, or legalities. Their union was established by God's creative act, and their recognition of each other as companions was inherent in their very existence.
(iii) The union of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was untouched by conflict, sin, or imperfection. Their relationship existed in a harmonious environment, unmarred by the struggles and challenges that often characterize present-day marriages in a fallen world.
(iv) The union of Adam and Eve was directly orchestrated by God Himself. Their union was a result of God's divine plan and intervention, unlike present-day marriages that typically involve personal choice and human agency.

(i) One of the primary purposes for the creation of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, was to provide companionship and partnership for each other.
(ii) Adam and Eve were also created with the purpose of stewardship and dominion over the earth.
(iii) Adam and Eve were created with the purpose of populating the earth and establishing a family.
(iv) Another purpose for the creation of the first man and woman was to cultivate and care for the Garden of Eden


Eli, a priest at Shiloh, had two worthless sons, Hophni and Phinehas. They served as priests under his leadership, but they engaged in corrupt and immoral behavior within the sanctuary. They not only disrespected the offerings and sacrifices brought by the people but also committed sexual immorality with women who served at the entrance of the Tabernacle. Despite knowing about their actions, Eli failed to take decisive action to restrain or discipline his sons, showing a lack of proper parental guidance.
As a result of Eli's parental irresponsibility, Israel suffered in the following ways:
(i) God sent the Philistines to fight Israel.
(ii) Israel was defeated in the war.
(iii) About three thousand Israelites died in the war.
(iv) Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, the priest, were among those killed.
(v) Those who survived in the battle fled.
(vi) The Ark of the Lord was captured by the Philistines.
(vii) When Eli heard that the enemy captured the Ark of the Lord, he fell backwards, broke his neck and died.
(viii) When Eli's daughter-in-law heard the bad news, she had a premature baby and she died.
(ix) That baby was named "Ichabod", meaning, "glory has departed from Israel".

(i) Parents should take time to teach their children the word of God.
(ii) There is need to pray together-the use of the family altar should be of paramount importance.
(iii) Parents should inculcate in their children the spirit of fear of God in all they do.
(iv) There is need to heed the warning of prophets/men of God.
(v) The consequences of evil relationship between men and women must be pointed out to children.
(vi) Disobedience to the commandments of God could bring adverse consequences.


Elisha healed Naaman, the leper, without a charge. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, regretted his master's refusal of Naaman's gifts and swore to collect a reward. So, he ran after Naaman who halted on sighting him. Gehazi lied to him that visitors came to him unexpectedly. He said Elisha requested a talent of silver and two festal garments, which Naaman quickly obliged and even begged to give two talents which his two servants conveyed for Gehazi. At the house, Gehazi took the items and sent the servants away secretly. When Elisha asked where he went, he denied going anywhere. Elisha asked if his spirit did not follow him and whether it was time for acquisition of wealth. He then ordered that Naaman's leprosy be transferred to Gehazi and his descendants for ever. Gehazi left Elisha's presence a leper, as white as snow.
The dismissal of Gehazi from Elisha's service was a direct consequence of his misconduct. Elisha declared that Gehazi's greed and deception had defiled the holy office of a prophet's servant, and his actions brought dishonor to God and His work.

(i) It is not good to be greedy or materialistic.
(ii) It is wrong to lie to cover an offence.
(iii) Elisha was a prophet; we should know the kind of people we deal with.
(iv) One can get diseases (e.g. AIDS) through secret deals/sinful acts.
(v) The consequences of sin can be generational.
(vi) God knows the secret sins of man.


(Answer at least ONE question from this section)

After Jesus had resisted the first temptation by Satan, he was taken to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem:

(i) Second Temptation (Matthew 4:5-6):
Satan challenged Jesus to prove His divine identity by throwing Himself off the pinnacle of the temple. Satan even quoted Scripture, saying, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, 'He will command his angels concerning you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'" Here, Satan sought to manipulate Jesus into testing God's protection.

(ii) Third Temptation (Matthew 4:8-10):
Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. He offered Jesus dominion and authority over all these realms if Jesus would worship him. Jesus responded by affirming that only God is to be worshiped and served, and rebuked Satan's attempt to gain His allegiance through worldly power.

(i) Christians can learn to humbly trust in God's plan and timing, avoiding the temptation to seek signs or proofs
(ii) Christians can learn to guard against the temptation to compromise their principles for the sake of temporary success.
(iii) Christians can learn to use God's Word as a source of guidance and strength in the face of challenges and temptations.
(iv) Christians can draw encouragement from His example, realizing that through faith, reliance on God, and adherence to His Word, they can overcome the schemes of the enemy and experience spiritual victory.
(v) Christians can learn the importance of worshiping and serving God with their whole heart, avoiding the distractions and idols that can lead them away from a genuine relationship with Him.


On the first day of the week, the evening of the resurrection, Cleopas and one other disciple were going to Emmaus discussing the most current event in Jerusalem, i.e. the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus drew near and walked with them, and joined the conversation. They could not recognize him and were surprised when he asked them what they were discussing. They asked him whether he was the only stranger around, unaware of the most current happening. He asked them what it was. They answered that it concerned Jesus, a great prophet that was mighty in words and deeds; And how the Jewish council had delivered him to be condemned to death. They went on to tell him that He was the one they had hoped would redeem Israel. That it was then the third day since it happened, though some of their women had amazed them with the story of his resurrection. And that some of their men had however been to the tomb and found it empty as the women had told them, that they did not see Jesus.
Jesus called them fools who were slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken. He said that, it was necessary that Christ should suffer and enter into glory. Beginning with Moses and the prophets, he interpreted to them all that the scriptures had spoken about himself.
As they approached Emmaus, the disciples urged the stranger to stay with them, as it was getting late. He went in with them and, at table; he took the bread, blessed and broke it. And their eyes were opened and they recognized that it was Jesus. Jesus disappeared from their sight. They wondered how it did not dawn on them, when he was expounding the scriptures to them that they were actually talking to Jesus. Filled with amazement and joy, the two disciples immediately returned to Jerusalem to share the news with the other disciples, proclaiming that they had seen the risen Lord.

(i) The encounter emphasizes the importance of understanding and recognizing the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in Jesus Christ
(ii) It teaches us that spiritual understanding often requires divine revelation, and a deeper understanding of Christ's identity and mission can come through His revelation to us
(iii) The presence of Jesus was felt in their fellowship and the breaking of bread which highlights the significance of Christian community and the communion in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice
(iv) The encounter taught that Christ's resurrection brought hope and triumph over despair.
(v) Jesus used the Scriptures to teach the disciples about Himself which underscores the importance of studying and teaching the Word of God, which reveals the truth about Christ.
(vi) The disciples' eyes were opened when Jesus broke bread. It reminds us that spiritual insight often comes when we partake in the Lord's Supper, a symbol of His sacrifice and presence.


Mass persecution started in Jerusalem after Stephen's death. The Church became panicky and fled from Jerusalem to other places (Judea, Samaria, etc). Wherever they went, they preached and converted many to the faith. Philip, one of the seven deacons fled to Samaria and proclaimed the Gospel message in Samaria. When the people of Samaria heard and saw the miracles he performed, many were converted. He cast out demons from those possessed and healed those who were paralysed. Philip encountered a magician called Simon who had deceived many people who thought he had the power of God. Simon too was converted and was baptized. The good work of Philip in Samaria reached the apostles in Jerusalem. Peter and John were impressed and they prayed and laid their hands on the new converts to receive the Holy Spirit.
Simon attempted to bribe Peter to give him the power to impart the Holy Spirit to others, but, Peter rebuked him saying, "your silver perish with you ...". Simon became frightened after the words of Peter and asked Peter to pray for him.

(i) Healing of the sick
(ii) Casting out of demons
(iii) Working of miracles
(iv) Exposure of Simon's selfishness
(v) Condemnation of Simon
(v) Conversion of unbelievers
(vi) Pressure of the Holy Spirit to empower the disciples/the church.


(Answer at least ONE question from this section)

In the Gospel of John, there is a profound account of Jesus Christ describing Himself as the living bread. This pivotal moment occurred during a discourse between Jesus and a group of people who had witnessed the miraculous feeding of the five thousand with loaves and fishes.

Jesus had retreated to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, and the crowd followed Him, seeking more signs and wonders. Aware of their materialistic focus, Jesus used the opportunity to teach a deeper spiritual truth. He began by drawing a parallel between the physical sustenance they had received the day before and a greater spiritual nourishment He could provide. He declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" (John 6:35).

As the conversation progressed, Jesus expounded on His role as the living bread, emphasizing that just as bread sustains physical life, He sustains eternal life. He compared His coming down from heaven to the manna that God provided for the Israelites in the desert. While the manna sustained the Israelites temporarily, Jesus offered a lasting, life-transforming sustenance. He explained that whoever partakes of Him in faith will experience true spiritual fulfillment and communion with God.

This metaphor of Jesus as the living bread encapsulated His divine nature, sacrifice, and the means by which humanity could find salvation. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus provided the ultimate nourishment for the soul, offering a way for individuals to be reconciled with God and have eternal life. Just as bread is essential for physical survival, Jesus portrayed Himself as indispensable for the survival of the soul.

(i) Jesus' self-description as the living bread signifies that He is the source of spiritual nourishment and sustenance for believers
(ii) Jesus as the living bread represents the path to eternal life.
(iii) Jesus' assertion of being the living bread emphasizes His divine origin. He came down from heaven to provide a way for humanity to connect with the divine and experience salvation.
(iv) Believers partake of bread and wine as symbols of Jesus' body and blood, signifying a spiritual union with Him.
(v) Jesus' description as the living bread foreshadows His sacrificial death on the cross.
(vi) The concept of Jesus as the living bread underscores the importance of a personal and intimate relationship with Him


In his writings to the Romans, Paul deals with how Christians should perform their civic responsibility. He taught that Christians should not fail to render useful services to their community despite different views on religious ideologies. He (Paul) writes that everybody should be obedient to the laws of the state. To do this perfectly, Christians should discharge their civic responsibilities like paying their taxes, rates and any other levy charged for the progress and development of the community. Christians, as children of God, should obey and respect constituted authorities, as this amounts to obeying God Himself. Christians should not engage in open confrontation with the government. An example of this, which Paul gave was the revolt of the Jews against Roman government which led to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

(i) Responsible citizens adhere to local, regional, and national laws, contributing to a harmonious and lawful society.
(ii) Getting involved in volunteer work and community service demonstrates a commitment to improving the well-being of others and contributing to the common good.
(iii) The youth must be actively mobilized through youth organizations in order to be taught Christian ethics and morals.
(iv) By living a productive life; Not relying on others for our daily needs.
(iv) Treating fellow citizens with respect, regardless of differences in opinions, backgrounds, or beliefs, fosters a sense of unity and social cohesion.
(v) Participating in community activities, attending town hall meetings, and voting in elections are ways to engage actively in the democratic process and influence decision-making.


In the book of First Peter, the apostle Peter offers guidance to Christian leaders on how they should relate to their followers. While the specific context of leadership in the early Christian community is addressed, these principles remain relevant for Christian leaders today. Here are some key aspects of how Christian leaders should relate to their followers according to First Peter:
(i) Shepherding with Humility: Christian leaders are exhorted to shepherd the flock of God willingly and eagerly, not for personal gain or power but with humility and a genuine desire to serve (1 Peter 5:2-3).
(ii) Leading by Example: Leaders are encouraged to be examples to the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. By modeling a Christ-like life, leaders can inspire and guide their followers.
(iii) Caring for the Flock: Leaders are called to care for the spiritual well-being of their followers, providing guidance, support, and pastoral care. This includes addressing their needs and concerns and offering encouragement.
(iv) Exercising Oversight: Christian leaders are entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the affairs of the community. This involves providing direction, making wise decisions, and ensuring that the flock remains faithful to God
(v) Avoiding Abuse of Authority: Leaders are warned against lording their authority over their followers or being domineering. Instead, they are to lead with a servant's heart and a genuine concern for the spiritual growth of each individual(1 Peter 5:3).
(vi) Promoting Unity: Leaders should work to maintain unity within the community, promoting love and harmony among believers. Striving for a united and harmonious fellowship is vital for the effectiveness of Christian leadership (1 Peter 3:8).

(i) Leaders may encounter complex moral and ethical dilemmas in their roles, requiring them to navigate challenging decisions while upholding biblical principles.
(ii) The diversity of theological perspectives and interpretations within Christianity can lead to doctrinal confusion and disagreements, which leaders must address with wisdom and discernment.
(iii) Striking a balance between remaining culturally relevant while staying true to biblical teachings can be a delicate task for leaders.
(iv) The demands of leadership can lead to burnout, stress, and neglect of personal well-being.
(v) Christian leaders often face challenges in a secularized and relativistic culture, where biblical values and truths are questioned or marginalized.




بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
وَالْعَصْرِ ﴿۱﴾
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ ﴿۲﴾
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ ﴿۳﴾

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
(i) (I swear) by the Time,
(ii) man is in a state of loss indeed,
(iii) except those who believed and did righteous deeds, and exhorted each other to follow truth, and exhorted each other to observe patience.

(i) The surah teaches us the importance of valuing and utilizing our time wisely.
(ii) We learn from the surah the significance of engaging in righteous deeds and actions.
(iii) The surah emphasizes encouraging our brothers and neighbors to engage in good deeds.
(iv) The surah teaches us that individuals who solely pursue material gains will ultimately face loss.
(v) The surah imparts the wisdom of cultivating endurance and patience when confronted with challenges.
(vi) We learn from the surah the importance of embodying qualities of honesty and patience in our lives.


(i) Isnad refers to the chain of transmitters who passed down the information contained in a hadith from one person to another until it reached a companion of the Prophet who directly heard the original statement or witnessed the event.

(ii) The term "matn" refers to the actual content of a Hadith. It comprises the direct words spoken by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), accompanied by any supplementary commentary or contextual information provided by the narrators.

(i) Genuineness of Isnad (Chain of Narrators): This criterion ensures the integrity of the chain of narrators in Hadith transmission. It involves verifying the credibility of individuals who transmitted the Hadith. Those who claimed to have heard from the Prophet were thoroughly examined to confirm their contemporaneity with the Prophet's era. A strong, unbroken chain of trustworthy narrators enhances the credibility of the Hadith.

(ii) Genuineness of Matn (Content): The content of the Hadith should be in line with established Islamic teachings and values. It shouldn't contradict other authentic Hadiths or the Quran, ensuring its reliability and authenticity. Scholars assess whether a Hadith contradicts the Quran. If such contradiction arises, the Hadith is rejected.

(iii) The Science of Hadith; This involves methods to critically check if Hadiths are real and trustworthy. It's like detective work for authenticity. Scholars look into who told the Hadith, if they're honest, and if they remember well. They also study the chain of narrators, their integrity, and the Hadith's context to decide if it's reliable. Doubt in these areas makes the Hadith less trustworthy and might lead to it not being accepted.



(i) Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, and its obligatory for capable Muslims.
(ii) Hajj has a specific time frame in the month of Dhul-Hijjah.
(iii) Hajj includes Tawaf (circumambulation of Kaaba), Sa'i (walk between Safa and Marwah), and Arafat standing.

(i) Umrah isn't a Pillar of Islam, it's recommended but optional.
(ii) Umrah can be performed at any time of the year.
(iii) Umrah can be completed in a shorter period due to its simpler rituals.

(i) Folding of arms in Qiyam position
(ii) To say Amin at the end of Surah Al-Fatihah.
(iii) Reciting the Tasbih (subhanallah) three times after the Takbir al-Ihram.
(iv) Reciting the supplication "Rabbana wa laka'l-hamd" after rising from Ruku.
(v) To say Allahu Akbar while going to Ruku

(i) Intentionally talking
(ii) Intentional movement
(iii) Eating, drinking or laughing
(iv) Willful negligence of any obligating aspect of Salat


After the Battle of Khaybar, Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims expressed the intention to visit Mecca and perform Umrah. During the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, a significant agreement known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was established. This pivotal treaty, occurring in January 628 (Dhu al-Qi'dah, AH 6), involved representatives from Medina and the Quraysh tribe in Mecca.
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah held profound implications. It played a crucial role in easing tensions between the two cities, resulting in a ten-year period of affirmed peace. Additionally, the treaty granted permission for Muhammad's followers to peacefully undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca the subsequent year. This pilgrimage, later recognized as The First Pilgrimage, was made possible by the terms of the treaty.

(i) Patience can resolve every problem
(ii) Raising your sword is not always the answer
(iii) Muslims should honour agreements
(iv) Acceptance of Medina
(v) Facilitating Growth of Islam

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