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NECO 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NECO Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)

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NABTEB 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NABTEB Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)






The writer's withdrawal was as a result of inability to pay his school fees

He was asked to pay three terms fee because it was a norm for external candidate to do so.

The writer refused to pay the 'understanding fee' because he saw examination malpractice as a crime and immoral act.

The cancellation of the entire result of the center was as a result of mass cheating

It means chaos and confusion

(i) School administrators
(ii) Examination administrators

(i) Adverbial clause of time
(ii) It modifies the verb 'insisted'

(i) Top-notch best
(ii) Exorbitant outrageous
(iii) Pre-condition prerequisite
(iv) Obnoxious abhorrent
(v) Fabulous tremendous
(vi) Nefarious heinous


Young people can share information and develop themselves through social media.

Social media helps young people to easily learn at their own pace and time, and at their comfort zones.

It enhances creativity and helps young people showcase their artistic works.

Social media has reduced the likelihood of young people visiting loved ones in distant places, depriving them of the affection that comes with face-to-face interactions.

Young people spend extensive time on gadgets, diverting their attention from more meaningful activities and impacting personal development.

Young individuals use social media as a platform to disseminate rumors and foment chaos.


In the lively town of Nkpor, where dusty roads intertwined with the laughter of schoolchildren, there lived a young student named Emeka. He was known for his knack for fixing things and eagerly looked forward to showcasing his skills in the upcoming science fair at school.
One day, Emeka decided to create a simple radio for the fair. Armed with wires, batteries, and a few electronic parts, he enthusiastically set to work. However, as he assembled his project, he encountered an unexpected hiccup the radio wasn't working as intended.
Growing frustrated, Emeka grumbled about the quality of the wires, blaming them for the radio's failure. When the science fair arrived, he proudly displayed his creation, but it didn't perform as expected. Chima, his friend who had successfully built a working flashlight, shook his head and said, 'A bad workman blames his tools.'
Perplexed, Emeka asked Chima to explain. Chima clarified that blaming the wires was akin to making excuses instead of addressing the real issue. Emeka, recognizing the wisdom in Chima's words, decided to give it another shot.
For his second attempt, Emeka secured better-quality wires and paid closer attention to the details. This time, the radio worked flawlessly. At the science fair, he confidently demonstrated how it tuned in to different stations. Chima, nodding approvingly, reminded Emeka that taking responsibility for his work was crucial for success.
Emeka, embracing this lesson, continued to improve his skills. As he progressed through school, facing various challenges, he remembered Chima's words: 'A bad workman blames his tools.' The phrase became his mantra, encouraging him to overcome setbacks with determination.
In his final year of school, Emeka faced his biggest challenge a robotics project for the national science competition. As he encountered obstacles and setbacks, he resisted the temptation to blame external factors. Instead, he applied the lessons learned from building the radio.
Emeka persisted, refining his design and seeking guidance when needed. When the day of the competition arrived, his robotic creation astounded the judges. Emeka had not only overcome challenges but had also demonstrated remarkable growth.
Chima, who attended the competition as a guest, approached Emeka with a smile. 'Remember,' he said, 'a good workman doesn't blame his tools; he learns to use them better.' Emeka nodded in gratitude, knowing that this saying had become more than a lesson it was a guiding principle that shaped his journey of continuous improvement.
In the end, Emeka's story became an inspiration for his peers, illustrating that setbacks were not roadblocks but opportunities for growth. The phrase 'A bad workman blames his tools' echoed in the corridors of the school, reminding everyone that success required resilience and a commitment to learning from challenges.



In the lively town of Nkpor, where dusty roads intertwined with the laughter of schoolchildren, there lived a young student named Emeka. He was known for his knack for fixing things and eagerly looked forward to showcasing his skills in the upcoming science fair at school.
One day, Emeka decided to create a simple radio for the fair. Armed with wires, batteries, and a few electronic parts, he enthusiastically set to work. However, as he assembled his project, he encountered an unexpected hiccup the radio wasn't working as intended.
Growing frustrated, Emeka grumbled about the quality of the wires, blaming them for the radio's failure. When the science fair arrived, he proudly displayed his creation, but it didn't perform as expected. Chima, his friend who had successfully built a working flashlight, shook his head and said, 'A bad workman blames his tools.'
Perplexed, Emeka asked Chima to explain. Chima clarified that blaming the wires was akin to making excuses instead of addressing the real issue. Emeka, recognizing the wisdom in Chima's words, decided to give it another shot.
For his second attempt, Emeka secured better-quality wires and paid closer attention to the details. This time, the radio worked flawlessly. At the science fair, he confidently demonstrated how it tuned in to different stations. Chima, nodding approvingly, reminded Emeka that taking responsibility for his work was crucial for success.
Emeka, embracing this lesson, continued to improve his skills. As he progressed through school, facing various challenges, he remembered Chima's words: 'A bad workman blames his tools.' The phrase became his mantra, encouraging him to overcome setbacks with determination.
In his final year of school, Emeka faced his biggest challenge a robotics project for the national science competition. As he encountered obstacles and setbacks, he resisted the temptation to blame external factors. Instead, he applied the lessons learned from building the radio.
Emeka persisted, refining his design and seeking guidance when needed. When the day of the competition arrived, his robotic creation astounded the judges. Emeka had not only overcome challenges but had also demonstrated remarkable growth.
Chima, who attended the competition as a guest, approached Emeka with a smile. 'Remember,' he said, 'a good workman doesn't blame his tools; he learns to use them better.' Emeka nodded in gratitude, knowing that this saying had become more than a lesson it was a guiding principle that shaped his journey of continuous improvement.
In the end, Emeka's story became an inspiration for his peers, illustrating that setbacks were not roadblocks but opportunities for growth. The phrase 'A bad workman blames his tools' echoed in the corridors of the school, reminding everyone that success required resilience and a commitment to learning from challenges.


Good day ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and respected audience. My name is Nebo Daniel and I stand before you to vehemently argue against the motion that 'Men are more useful to the society than women.' In the 21st century, it is imperative that we discard outdated gender stereotypes and recognize the invaluable contributions of both men and women to the progress and well-being of society.
Firstly, the assertion that men are more useful than women disregards the multifaceted nature of societal progress. Historically, societies have ascribed certain roles to men and women based on stereotypes rather than individual abilities. However, we must move beyond these preconceived notions and acknowledge that usefulness to society is not confined by gender but rather by the unique skills, talents, and capacities each individual possesses.
Secondly, women have played and continue to play pivotal roles in various spheres that are crucial to the functioning of society. The argument fails to recognize the immense contributions of women in education, healthcare, and social services. Women dominate these fields, contributing significantly to the intellectual and physical well-being of the community. Nurses, teachers, social workers, and healthcare professionals are predominantly women, and their work is indispensable for the development and sustenance of a healthy and educated society.
Furthermore, the notion that men are more useful than women ignores the economic contributions of women in the workforce. Over the years, women have broken through glass ceilings, excelling in diverse professions, from science and technology to business and entrepreneurship. The economic growth of any society is contingent on the collective efforts of both genders, as they bring diverse perspectives and skill sets that contribute to innovation and productivity.
In terms of social dynamics, women have been at the forefront of advocating for positive change and societal betterment. The women's rights movements across the globe have not only challenged gender inequalities but have also led to legislative changes that promote equal opportunities and rights for all. These advancements have created a more inclusive and just society for everyone.
Moreover, emphasizing the usefulness of one gender over the other perpetuates harmful stereotypes and hinders progress towards gender equality. Both men and women possess unique qualities that, when combined, create a harmonious and balanced society. It is crucial to recognize and celebrate diversity rather than perpetuate divisive beliefs that undermine the potential of half the population.
In conclusion, the idea that men are more useful to society than women is not only unfounded but also detrimental to the principles of equality and diversity. It is time to break free from antiquated gender norms and embrace the reality that both men and women contribute significantly to the betterment of society. Let us focus on fostering a society where every individual, regardless of gender, can thrive and contribute their unique talents for the collective good. Thank you!


In the midst of Nigeria's vast landscape, where the beauty of diverse cultures converges, a silent crisis is unfolding. It is a crisis that demands our attention, empathy, and urgent action the plight of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). These are individuals and families forced to flee their homes due to conflict, violence, or natural disasters, seeking refuge in makeshift camps that barely provide the essentials for survival.
The heart-wrenching reality is that millions of our fellow citizens are grappling with the harsh conditions of displacement, caught in a cycle of despair that demands our collective intervention.
The conditions in IDP camps across the country are dire, with overcrowded living spaces, insufficient food, limited access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare. Children, the most vulnerable among them, are deprived of education, exposing an entire generation to the risk of perpetual poverty.
The rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons is not merely a humanitarian gesture; it is an imperative for national development. The resilience of these individuals, despite their plight, underscores their potential contribution to society if given the opportunity to rebuild their lives. There are various ways to facilitate this rehabilitation.
Firstly, by prioritizing educational initiatives. To break the cycle of poverty and empower the displaced, educational initiatives must be prioritized. Establishing schools within IDP camps, providing vocational training, and implementing adult education programs can equip individuals with the skills necessary for self-sufficiency.
Additionally, collaborative efforts between government agencies, NGOs, and private enterprises can create employment opportunities within and outside the camps. This could involve setting up micro-businesses, providing vocational training, and ensuring fair employment practices to facilitate the integration of IDPs into the workforce.
Furthermore, psychosocial support programs, including counseling and mental health services, are crucial for the well-being of individuals and families. This will not only address immediate mental health needs but also contribute to their long-term rehabilitation. Trauma is a pervasive reality for IDPs who have experienced displacement.
Subsequently, investing in infrastructure within IDP camps is vital. Access to clean water, proper sanitation facilities, and healthcare services are basic human rights that must be ensured. Improved living conditions foster a sense of dignity and promote the overall well-being of the displaced.
Nevertheless, as conflicts subside, efforts should be made to facilitate the safe return of IDPs to their communities. This involves rebuilding homes, restoring basic services, and fostering social cohesion to ensure a smooth transition back to normalcy.
In conclusion, the plight of Internally Displaced Persons demands our immediate attention and concerted efforts. By prioritizing education, employment, psychosocial support, infrastructure development, and community reintegration, we can collectively contribute to the rehabilitation of these resilient individuals and pave the way for a brighter future for our nation as a whole. It is time for us, as a society, to stand together and extend a helping hand to those who have lost so much but still possess the strength to rebuild their lives.



30 Anolue street,
Awada Onitsha,
Anambra State.
16th December, 2023.

The Honourable Commissioner,
Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs,
Anambra state.

Dear sir,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a matter of deep concern that affects the very fabric of our society—domestic violence. As a responsible member of our community, I feel compelled to bring attention to the multifaceted causes of this issue and suggest comprehensive solutions for effective intervention.
Domestic violence, a complex problem, often finds its roots in various societal factors. Economic disparities play a pivotal role in fostering an environment conducive to violence within households. Limited financial resources can strain a family's budget, leading to disputes over essential needs such as housing, food, and healthcare. The inability to meet these basic needs heightens stress levels within the household. Financial stress can exacerbate existing power imbalances within relationships. The individual who controls or earns the income may exert undue control or power, leading to a sense of helplessness and frustration for the other partner.
Furthermore, a lack of education contributes to the perpetuation of traditional gender norms and stereotypes, fueling power imbalances within relationships. Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' attitudes and beliefs. In settings where education is limited, traditional gender norms and stereotypes may go unchallenged. Deeply ingrained cultural expectations often dictate roles within relationships, reinforcing the idea of one gender having more power and control. This imbalance can create an environment where violence is seen as a means of asserting dominance or maintaining control.
In addition, substance abuse, particularly alcohol and drug addiction, emerges as a significant catalyst for domestic violence. Substance abuse, particularly alcohol and drugs, can impair cognitive functions and judgment. Individuals under the influence may act impulsively, with diminished control over their actions. This lack of inhibition can lead to aggressive and violent behavior within domestic relationships. When individuals are intoxicated, their emotional responses may be heightened, leading to conflicts that escalate into violence.
Moreover, cultural norms endorsing gender inequality act as silent enablers of domestic violence. In cultures where aggression and dominance are normalized as masculine traits, abusive behavior may be excused or overlooked. Society may even discourage victims from reporting abuse, fostering a culture of silence and acceptance around violent actions perpetrated by men against women.
Finally, Inadequate support systems for victims of domestic violence significantly contribute to the perpetuation of this distressing issue. When victims find themselves in environments where there is a lack of sufficient support, they often face immense challenges in breaking free from the cycle of abuse. This deficiency in support can manifest in various ways, each exacerbating the impact of domestic violence on the victims.
To address these, initiatives aimed at creating employment opportunities, providing financial stability, and addressing economic disparities are crucial. Educational programs that specifically target the promotion of gender equality, communication skills, and conflict resolution can serve as essential tools in challenging these ingrained beliefs and behaviors. Investing in education becomes an investment in dismantling the foundational aspects that contribute to domestic violence.
Additionally, Establishing robust rehabilitation programs and support services is essential. These programs should not only focus on treating addiction but also on addressing the underlying issues that contribute to violent tendencies.
In conclusion, addressing the issue of domestic violence requires a holistic and comprehensive approach. By mitigating economic disparities, promoting education, addressing substance abuse, challenging harmful cultural norms, and enhancing support structures, we can collectively create an environment that rejects violence within our homes.
I appreciate your commitment to the well-being of our citizens, and I am confident that your leadership can spearhead positive changes in our community. Thank you for your time, consideration, and dedication to creating a safer and more harmonious environment for all.
Yours sincerely,
Nebo Jude

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