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NECO 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NECO Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)

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NABTEB 2024 EXPO RUNS (Score A's and B's In YOUR 2024 NABTEB Exam) (Click Here now to Get Our Assistance)







(1a) A Constitution is a fundamental and supreme body of laws that serves as the foundation for a country's governance and legal system. It outlines the structure of the government, defines the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and sets the framework for the functioning of various institutions. Constitutions can be written or unwritten and are designed to ensure stability, order, and protection of citizens' rights and freedoms.

(i) Federalism: The 1999 Constitution establishes Nigeria as a federal republic comprising 36 states and one Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It distributes powers between the central (federal) government and the state governments, delineating their respective spheres of authority. Certain matters, such as defense, foreign affairs, and currency, are within the exclusive purview of the federal government, while other issues, like education and health, fall under the states' jurisdiction.

(ii) Separation of Powers: The Constitution adheres to the principle of separation of powers, creating three distinct branches of government: the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary. Each branch has specific functions and responsibilities to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This system ensures a system of checks and balances, enhancing accountability and preventing abuses of power.

(iii) Fundamental Human Rights: The 1999 Constitution includes a chapter on Fundamental Human Rights, which guarantees various rights and freedoms to Nigerian citizens. These rights encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Some of the rights protected include the right to life, freedom of speech and expression, right to education, and protection from discrimination. Citizens can seek redress through the courts if their rights are violated.

(iv) Bicameral Legislature: The Nigerian National Assembly, which is the country's legislative body, consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bicameral system allows for more comprehensive deliberations on proposed legislation and ensures representation for various groups and regions within the country. The Senate represents the states, with each state having three senators, while the House of Representatives represents constituencies based on population.

(v) Executive Powers: The President of Nigeria is the head of state, head of government, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The President is elected through a popular vote and can serve a maximum of two four-year terms. The President is responsible for executing and implementing the laws, formulating policies, and appointing members of the federal executive council.

(vi) Judicial Independence: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary in Nigeria. The judiciary has the power of judicial review, allowing it to interpret the Constitution and declare laws and actions of the government unconstitutional if they violate its provisions. This independence is essential for upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens.


(i) National Curriculum: Having a standardized national curriculum helps ensure that students across different regions of Nigeria are taught similar subjects, topics, and values. This fosters a sense of shared identity and purpose among students from diverse backgrounds.

(ii) Inclusive Education Policies: Implementing inclusive education policies that accommodate students with diverse abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles fosters an environment of acceptance and understanding. When students from various backgrounds learn together, it promotes unity and breaks down barriers.

(iii) Multilingual Education: Nigeria is linguistically diverse, with hundreds of languages spoken across the country. Promoting multilingual education by teaching indigenous languages alongside the official languages (English and others) helps preserve cultural heritage and encourages respect for different linguistic groups.

(iv) National Integration Programs: The Nigerian education system can implement national integration programs that bring students from different states and regions together for cultural exchanges, sports events, and academic competitions. These initiatives help students interact, learn about each other's cultures, and build friendships.

(v) Civic Education: Incorporating civic education in the curriculum helps students understand their rights, responsibilities, and duties as Nigerian citizens. It promotes patriotism, national consciousness, and a sense of ownership in building a strong and united nation.

(vi) Teacher Training and Sensitization: Providing teachers with training on multicultural education and sensitivity can equip them to create inclusive classrooms where diversity is celebrated and respected. Teachers play a crucial role in nurturing a sense of national unity among students.

(vii) National Symbols and Celebrations: Celebrating national holidays, displaying national symbols, and promoting national anthem singing in schools instills a sense of pride and belonging to the nation. These activities emphasize common values and shared history.


(i) Reduced Unemployment: Youth empowerment equips young individuals with relevant skills and knowledge, making them more employable in various sectors of the economy. As more young people gain employment or create their businesses, the overall unemployment rate in the country decreases.

(ii) Economic Growth and Innovation: Empowered youth are more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities and start new ventures. These initiatives can lead to innovation, increased productivity, and economic growth, contributing to Nigeria's economic development.

(iii) Poverty Alleviation: With increased access to skill development and entrepreneurship training, young people can generate income and lift themselves and their families out of poverty. Empowering youth to become financially independent helps reduce poverty levels in the country.

(iv) Social Stability: When young people have access to skill development and meaningful employment opportunities, they are less likely to engage in criminal activities or participate in social unrest. Youth empowerment fosters social stability and harmony within communities.

(v) Human Capital Development: Investing in youth empowerment skills enhances the country's human capital. A skilled and knowledgeable young population can contribute to the country's productivity and competitiveness in the global market.

(vi) Youth Participation in Decision-Making: Empowered youth are more likely to participate in civic and political activities. They become active citizens who engage in community development, advocate for their rights, and contribute to policy formulation and implementation.

(vii) Technology Advancement and Digitalization: Equipping Nigerian youth with digital and technological skills empowers them to leverage technology for various purposes, including education, entrepreneurship, and communication. This can drive technological advancements and digitalization across different sectors of the economy.


Orderliness refers to the quality or state of being well-organized, disciplined, and respectful of rules and regulations within the society. It emphasizes the importance of following established procedures, maintaining a structured environment, and upholding the principles of good governance. Civic education aims to instill in students a sense of responsibility and active citizenship, encouraging them to contribute positively to their communities by promoting orderliness in various aspects of their lives.

(i) Respecting Traffic Rules: Civic education emphasizes the importance of obeying traffic rules and regulations on the roads. Students learn the significance of using pedestrian crossings, obeying traffic lights, and driving responsibly. Orderly behavior on the roads ensures the safety of all road users.

(ii) Maintaining Cleanliness: Orderliness extends to keeping public spaces, such as classrooms, parks, and streets, clean and well-maintained. Civic education teaches students the importance of proper waste disposal and taking care of shared spaces for the benefit of the entire community.

(iii) Following School Rules: In educational institutions, orderliness is encouraged by adhering to school rules and regulations. This includes punctuality, wearing uniforms, and respecting the authority of teachers and administrators.

(iv) Voting Responsibly: Civic education educates students about the electoral process and the importance of participating in elections. An orderly democracy relies on citizens making informed decisions and casting their votes responsibly.

(v) Being Respectful of Diversity: Promoting orderliness in society involves fostering an inclusive and respectful environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds coexist harmoniously. Civic education encourages students to embrace diversity and treat others with respect and empathy.

(vi) Practicing Responsible Citizenship: Orderliness in civic education goes beyond individual actions and includes responsible citizenship. This involves actively participating in community development projects, volunteering, and engaging in activities that promote the common good.


Civic Education is a branch of education that aims to foster the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for active and responsible citizenship in a democratic society. It involves teaching students about their rights, duties, and responsibilities as citizens, as well as providing them with an understanding of democratic principles, governance, and social participation.

(i) Informed and Active Citizenship: Civic education equips individuals with the knowledge and understanding of how their government works, enabling them to make informed decisions and actively participate in the democratic process. Informed citizens are more likely to engage in voting, advocacy, and community development.

(ii) Promoting Social Cohesion: Civic education emphasizes the values of tolerance, respect for diversity, and empathy for others. By learning about the rights and perspectives of different groups, students are more likely to foster a sense of social cohesion and work towards building inclusive communities.

(iii) Responsible and Ethical Behavior: Civic education instills a sense of responsibility and ethical behavior in citizens. Students learn about the importance of honesty, integrity, and respecting the rule of law, which contributes to the development of a law-abiding and just society.

(iv) Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Civic education encourages critical thinking and analytical skills. It teaches students to examine societal issues, assess multiple viewpoints, and find solutions to complex problems, preparing them to be active problem-solvers in their communities.

(v) Promoting Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Understanding democratic principles and civic engagement enables individuals to resolve conflicts peacefully through dialogue and negotiation. Civic education helps develop skills for constructive dialogue, fostering a culture of peaceful coexistence.

(vi) Protection of Human Rights: Civic education highlights the importance of human rights and encourages citizens to advocate for the protection of these rights. It empowers individuals to stand against injustice and work towards a fair and equitable society.

(vii) Participation in Community Development: Civic education emphasizes the role of citizens in community development and nation-building. It inspires students to take initiative and actively participate in projects that address societal needs, promoting social responsibility.


Rule of law is the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power.
It refers to the principle that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to and must abide by the laws of the land. It upholds the idea that laws should be fair, just, and transparent, applied consistently to everyone, and enforced without discrimination. The rule of law ensures that no one is above the law and that all citizens have equal protection of their rights and freedoms.

(i) Protection of Individual Rights: The rule of law guarantees the protection of individual rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and expression. It safeguards citizens from arbitrary actions by the government and ensures that their rights are respected.

(ii) Stability and Predictability: A society governed by the rule of law is more stable and predictable. When laws are consistently applied and enforced, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions and plan for the future with confidence.

(iii) Promotion of Justice and Fairness: The rule of law fosters a system of justice and fairness. It ensures that disputes are resolved impartially through a legal process, promoting trust in the judicial system and discouraging vigilante justice.

(iv) Prevention of Abuse of Power: By placing limits on government authority and holding public officials accountable for their actions, the rule of law prevents the abuse of power. This helps maintain a check and balance system that safeguards against tyranny and corruption.

(v) Economic Development: A strong rule of law is crucial for economic development. It provides a conducive environment for business investments, protects property rights, and enforces contracts, attracting both domestic and foreign investments.

(vi) Social Cohesion and Trust: A society governed by the rule of law fosters social cohesion and trust among its citizens. When people believe that laws are just and equally applied, it enhances a sense of unity and mutual respect.

(i) Independent Judiciary: To safeguard the rule of law, it is essential to maintain an independent and impartial judiciary. Ensuring that judges are free from political influence and can make decisions based on the law and evidence strengthens the rule of law.

(ii) Public Awareness and Education: Civic education and public awareness campaigns play a crucial role in safeguarding the rule of law. Educating citizens about their rights, the importance of the rule of law, and the role of institutions in upholding it helps promote a law-abiding society.

(iii) Strong Legal Framework: Implementing a robust legal framework that is fair, comprehensive, and upholds fundamental rights is vital for safeguarding the rule of law. Regular review and update of laws to reflect changing societal needs are also necessary.

(iv) Transparent and Accountable Governance: Transparency and accountability in government institutions and public services are essential for upholding the rule of law. Ensuring that government actions are open to scrutiny and that officials are held accountable for their decisions strengthens trust in the legal system.


A representative government is a type of government in which people exercise their political sovereignty by directly electing their representatives in an election periodically to make decisions and enact laws on their behalf. In a representative democracy, the elected officials represent the interests and preferences of the people and are accountable to the electorate. The system allows citizens to participate in the political process by voting for their preferred candidates during elections, giving them a voice in the decision-making process without directly participating in every legislative matter.

(i) Existence and application of Rule of Law
(ii) A constitution that will guarantee the democratic ideals must be there.
(iii) Press freedom; the existence of free press is not negotiable.
(iv) Periodic and organized elections to confer legitimacy on the system.
(v) Existence of an independent judiciary.
(vi) An independent electoral commission
(vii) Universal adult suffrage.
(viii) Protection of Minority Rights
(ix) Separation of powers

(i) Direct democracy is a system where citizens vote directly on laws and policies while Indirect democracy is a system where citizens elect representatives to vote on laws and policies on their behalf.
(ii) In a direct democracy, the people directly participate in decision-making, typically by voting on laws and policies. In an indirect democracy, the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
(iii) In a direct democracy, decisions can be made quickly, since the people are directly involved in the process. In an indirect democracy, decisions can take longer to be made, as they must be made by the representatives who have been elected by the people
(iv) Direct democracy relies on citizens' collective knowledge and participation while Indirect democracy relies on the expertise and knowledge of elected representatives to make decisions.
(v) Direct democracy can be more difficult to implement on a large scale as it requires high levels of participation from citizens. In contrast, indirect democracy is more practical for larger societies
(vi) Direct democracy often involves the use of referendums and initiatives, where citizens can propose, approve, or reject specific laws or constitutional amendments WHILE indirect democracies may use referendums and initiatives on specific issues, the majority of decisions are made by elected representatives in legislative bodies.


Stigmatization refers to the act of unfairly and negatively labeling or treating individuals or groups based on certain characteristics, traits, or conditions. It involves attaching a social disgrace or shame to those who possess a particular attribute, making them feel marginalized, discriminated against, or excluded from society.

(i) Social Stigmatization: This type of stigmatization occurs when individuals living with HIV/AIDS experience discrimination, rejection, or isolation from their families, friends, or communities due to their health status. People may fear transmission of the virus and distance themselves from those living with HIV/AIDS.

(ii) Self Stigmatization: Self-stigma refers to the internalization of negative beliefs and attitudes by individuals living with HIV/AIDS. They may experience feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem, leading to reluctance in seeking healthcare or support due to perceived judgment from others

(iii) Institutional Stigmatization: Institutional stigmatization occurs when healthcare facilities, educational institutions, or workplaces discriminate against people living with HIV/AIDS. This may manifest in denial of access to services, confidentiality breaches, or unjust treatment based on their health status.

(iv) Verbal Stigmatization: Individuals with HIV/AIDS may experience verbal abuse, insults, or derogatory language from others, leading to emotional distress and a sense of unworthiness.

(i) Comprehensive Education and Awareness: Implement comprehensive education and awareness programs about HIV/AIDS in schools, communities, and workplaces. Accurate information dissemination can dispel myths, reduce fear, and combat stigmatizing attitudes.

(ii) Promotion of Non-Discriminatory Policies: Advocate for and enforce non-discriminatory policies in healthcare settings, workplaces, and public institutions. These policies should protect the rights and confidentiality of people living with HIV/AIDS.

(iii) Media Campaigns and Advocacy: Utilize media campaigns and advocacy initiatives to challenge stigmatizing language and stereotypes related to HIV/AIDS. Encourage positive portrayals of individuals living with the virus.

(iv) Access to Confidential Testing and Treatment: Ensure access to confidential HIV testing and treatment services to encourage early detection and prevent the fear of stigma as a barrier to seeking healthcare.

(v) Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS: Involve people living with HIV/AIDS in awareness campaigns and advocacy efforts. Their firsthand experiences can be powerful in challenging stigmatization and fostering understanding.

(vi) Counseling and Support Services: Establish counseling and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. These services can provide emotional support, reduce self-stigma, and promote adherence to treatment.

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